Live, Love, Learn and leave a lasting Legacy!

Are you living your best life?


If you’re a fan of TED Talks then you’ve probably watched Simon Sinek. He brilliantly explains how vision/purpose pulls you to success. Everyone has a goal or something they are trying to achieve. No matter how big or small, having a (good enough) why is what will see you through to success.

Lifesatori is my labor of love whose purpose is to share ideas on how to find your fit for fantastic. I write about personal development and entrepreneurship with the conviction that what we do should not only be of service to others but also meaningful and fun for you.  It’s my hope that the content will help others to connect their own dots as I share ideas on life, love, learning & leaving a lasting legacy.

The essence of my philosophy is this:

  • If you don’t decide for yourself what you want to get out of life, someone else will end up deciding for you
  • When you live a life you love, you can achieve great things for yourself and help other people as well
  • We are what we repeatedly do, excellence is then not an act but a habit – Aristotle


You can follow along via updates in your inbox, or just by checking in here at the site every week. Subscribe to the blog HERE and as thanks, you will receive my Best Life Toolkit:

  • The Passion quiz – An in-depth questionnaire to help you understand your values and beliefs and how to build a life that embodies them.
  • Goal setting & action workbook – An interactive goal setting process based on the systems used by Tim Ferris &  Tony Robins.
  • Weekly planning template – Guidelines as learnt from FrankinCovey & Robin Sharma to help you focus on the fundamentals that ensure accomplishment of your goals.
  • Networking like a pro – Scripts to successfully connect with anyone

To your success!

Seeing is believing

Vision boards are so much fun

Vision board

Why less is more

less is more

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m guilty of this mistake each year – I set too many goals. And even if I get off to a good start, I soon lose both focus and momentum and my list of goals are forgotten. This time I’ve changed my approach to having fewer goals set around the key roles in my life – Relationships, Business & Health. I’ve given each area a theme to live by which I assess myself against daily. Now my goal now becomes daily action in the right direction which seems a whole lot easier to accomplish.

Simplifying my goal setting process allows me to focus on what needs to be done today as I have a lifetime to set and reach goals, and I will enjoy more success if I do so one day at a time.

How to earn more and work less


Who wants to to continue working 40 hours a week for the next 40 years of your life only to retire on 40% of what you were earning? I don’t! Who wants to be able to do what they want, when they want without worrying about what’s going to happen to your business? I do!

As an employee or entrepreneur, if you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you could be working til you die 😦 So until you can remove yourself from being directly involved in doing the work that generates your income, there’s always going to be a limit to how much you can earn, and it can only increase very slowly.

Passive income, on the other hand, is income that does not require your direct involvement. This includes owning rental property, royalties on an invention or creative work and network marketing. Here are some examples:

  • An insurance agent who gets commission every year when a customer renews his policy
  • A network marketing or direct sales rep’s income from her direct customers
  • An author who writes book and sells it
  • A marketing consultant who creates a workbook or webinar and sells it online
  • A photographer who makes his photos available through a stock photography clearinghouse and gets paid a royalty whenever someone buys one of his images
  • A restaurant or retail owner who has grown to the point of hiring a trustworthy manager

Now is the time to think about how to apply this in your business. Can you create a product that people will buy over and over again? Can you engage others to sell your product? How could you make money off the work of others? The sooner you answer these questions, the sooner you’ll have financial and personal freedom. J

The myth of multi-tasking


What you’re really doing when you think you’re multitasking is shifting your attention from one thing to another and while it’s fascinating we have this capability, it’s not exactly the best use of our mental faculties. When, instead, we Follow One Course Until Successful, we actually accomplish more, better and feel less stressed.

2014 was my year of clarity. 2015 is my year to create and so my life and business is centered on that – building a business, building a following & building my best life yet. Here we GROW!

Change your thoughts; change your life


If you were a jet then your mind would be the engine. What looks physically like a small part of the whole undoubtedly has the largest impact on getting you to your destination. There will be times when it is difficult to make sense of our life experiences. Obstacles, challenges and limitations are a part of life and sometimes no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to give.

Your life follows where your mind goes so how about you set your soundtrack for success with words that fuel you desires and ambition. Because when we make our mind our primary business, we learn that it’s not our environment, our history, education or ability but the quality of our mind that predicts our future.

Share with me your word of the year as an inspiration to others.

Yours in PROSPERITY, W***

The right tools for the job

tools i use

Goals are great until it comes to getting things done. That’s where the rubber meets the road. Having a system means you can keep track of the progress and make sure you’re heading in the right direction. Here are some of the tools I use to stay the course as I bootstrap my way through business.

  • Google drive – backup/share my documents online
  • Feedly – All the newsletters I subscribe to are here and are a great source of information for my blog and newsletter
  • Outlook – I like how you can turn each email into an action, reminder or calendarize it.
  • Daily planner – I take lots of notes so this comes in handy for on the spur activities and reminders that I then transfer to my calendar on outlook.

Thanks to technology as long as I have my laptop and access to the internet, I’m good to go. Being in business doesn’t have to be a big burden, it could be a blissful journey to time and money freedom.

My main focus is to remain focus


2014 was my year of clarity and 2010 is my year to create. My most important actions for the year broken down to daily activities involves creation – Creating content for my blog, creating a team in my business and creating my dream life. What are you creating for 2015? Join the challenge –

Setting the day for success


I’ve had more or less the same routine for the last year or so and one thing I’ve noticed is the difference between when I follow it and when I don’t. The difference determines whether it’s going to be a good or GREAT day and is now a confirmation of how important it is to set your intentions for the day.

I start with quiet time reading my bible and praying then move to my affirmations before I quickly review my goals for the year. I’m not big on working out but I take a 30 min walk as I focus on my top 3-5 goals for the day then I’m good to go.

I still struggle to not check my phone or email before getting my main work for the day done but I’m getting there. The fact remains that starting right always sets the pace for the rest of the day but thank God we get a do over every 24 hours….

What’s your daily success plan?




I’m a big fan of Natalie Sisson who is all about freedom in life and business. I’m taking part in her 15 Day Blog Challenge that started yesterday to set the stage for my writing goals this year.  Feel free to join the party.


Success Inventory


Plans change but decisions don’t.

The new year for many means looking back at the year both in life and business. My reflection begins with celebrating successes and important decisions I have made over the past year, while also taking stock of where I failed and how I can improve.  Think of it as a stock take on yourself for who you really are as you think about the type of person you want to become.

Here are 3 questions you can use for your annual review.

  1. What went well this year?
  2. What didn’t go so well this year and why?
  3. What am I working toward?

Clarity on where you are and where you want to go means that you can make decisions that will keep you on track for growth and success.

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